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Quality Tree Care Services in
Western Wyoming including:

Jackson, Wilson, Moran, Alpine, Star Valley Ranch, Etna, Thayne, and Afton WY

Tree Pruning
Tree PruningThe pruning of trees is probably the most noticeable and important of all tree maintenance practices. In the words of the late Dr. Alex Shigo (famous tree biologist) “pruning is one of the best things an arborist can do for a tree, but one of the worst things we can do to a tree.” Committed to proper pruning types, techniques and ISA Best Management Practices, Professional Tree Care can help to maintain your trees, and improve their structure or appearance by removing dead, broken or damaged branches. Professional Tree Care is equipped to meet your pruning needs of all types and sizes, with full clean up included.
Tree Removal
DuPont_1Tree removals, especially large tree removals, can be very dangerous work and should only be performed by individuals that have the training and experience to get the job done safely. Whether your tree can be felled from the ground, or requires a more technical approach requiring advanced tree climbing and/or technical rigging skills, Professional Tree Care has the skill, equipment and ability to remove all types and sizes of your unwanted trees and shrubs. We understand that clean up is a big part of the job, and take pride in providing a job well done, leaving your property looking better than when we got there.
Stump Grinding and Removal

StumpGrinderTired of tripping over or damaging your lawn mower on those old stumps? Our self –propelled stump-cutter is perfect for all types and sizes of stump removals with the maneuverability to get to those hard to reach places on your property. Our approach to stump-grinding is to first cut stump down to fifteen inch depth maximum, then pack hole back to grade with soil and grindings, clean up and haul away excess grindings, and rake smooth to prepare the site for restoring your landscape.

Wildfire Prevention/Defensible Space

Defensible-spaceAs a locally a hot topic, managing the vegetation and flammable materials around your home and property can reduce the likelihood of home ignition from a wildfire. Professional Tree Care has successfully participated in numerous fuel reduction grant programs in both Teton and Lincoln County. These fuel reduction projects have created defensible space to improve safety for homeowners, firefighters and first responders around homes and along road corridors. Owner Todd Fitzgerald has been a wild-land firefighter since 1994. He uses his first hand experience as a firefighter combined with over twenty five years as a Certified Arborist to reducing the risk of wildfire around your home while understanding forest succession processes for retaining the healthy trees that will make up the forest of tomorrow.

Wildfire Prevention /Defensible Space Services include:

  • Raise pruning – Pruning lower branches of conifer trees up to height of typically at least six feet from ground, possibly higher as get closer to home and other property.
  • Grass and brush clearing – Keeping grass cut low and well watered will help to prevent the spread of wildfire to and around your home.
  • Tree and shrub removal – Remove dead trees and shrubs and Increase spacing in between the individual remaining trees and shrubs to reduce the intensity and the risk of the spread of wildfire.

PA180625Unsure or have concerns regarding your trees health, safety, or management? Professional Tree Care offers tree health and risk assessments, tree appraisal, tree protection during construction projects, and tree management plans. From detailed written reports to simple on site consultations we can help to alleviate your concerns for the trees and shrubs in your landscape.


Why do I need a Certified Arborist?

Certified Arborists are tree care specialists dedicated to excellence in the field of arboriculture. They are highly qualified in the care of your valuable trees and shrubs with knowledge of the most up-to-date advances and proven age-old techniques. Certified Arborists are widely recognized professionals educated and trained in tree pest and disease diagnosis and management, pruning, tree biology, tree risk assessment, tree planting, fertilization, and managing trees during construction. Todd Fitzgerald has been a Certified Arborist (#PN-1426A) since 1998, maintaining the certification every three years by meeting continuing education requirements set by the International Society of Arboriculture Certification Program. Verification of this certification is available at

What is killing my trees?

Every tree species has its own list of pests and diseases that it is susceptible to. Lack of water or too much water can be one of the most common issues associated with poor tree health and can lead to increased pest and disease activity. Understanding these relationships between trees and disease and being able to identify the cause of the decline of your trees health is the first step to taking corrective action.

Are my trees safe?

It all depends on what the target is or what they will hit if they fail. Tree risk assessment is the systematic process to identify, analyze, and evaluate tree risk. Risk is the combination of the likelihood of an event and the severity of the potential consequences. In areas where people or valuable property may be within striking distance of tree failure the consequences could be significant to severe. It is impossible to maintain trees free of all risk, but understanding the structural condition of a tree can help identify an unstable tree that looks relatively healthy.

What is a Qualified Tree Risk Assessor?

The Tree Risk Assessment Qualification is part of the International Society of Arboriculture’s (ISA) Credentialing Program, a voluntary program designed to test an individual’s degree of knowledge in the field of arboriculture. The Tree Risk Assessment Qualification requires individuals to take a designated course, and must successfully pass exam including written and practical field component to earn the qualification. The credentialing program is designed to increase the standard of practice in the tree care industry, promote the professional development of individual practicing arborists, and assist the public in identifying qualified tree care professionals. When contracting for tree risk assessment, the ISA recommends hiring arborists who are ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified. ISA Certified Arborist Todd Fitzgerald earned the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification credential by successfully completing the course and passing the exam administered by the ISA and the Rocky Mountain Chapter in May of 2014. Verification of this credential is available at

Contact Info

Phone: (307) 690-0039
Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 am – 6:30 pm

Contact Form

For a free estimate or to ask a question about your trees, please fill out the form below. Your contact information will not be shared or used to send unsolicited emails.

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